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Atlas Skills

Latitude and Longitude

Describing Distribution/Patterns

You need to be able to describe distributions and patterns  shown across maps of different scales. 

Distribution - the way in which something is spread across an area/location

Top Tips for describing patterns


1) Think TEA

Trend - overall pattern 

Evidence - support with data/examples

Anomaly - areas that don't fit pattern?

2) Comparison - Highest /lowest?

3) Compass directions

Example answer

Life expectancy is highest in  continents such as North America, Australasia and Europe  (all HICs)with a life expectancy of over 80 in Germany and UK. However, it is lowest in the African continent, particularly central Africa. For example Chad has a life expectancy of below 55 years. Despite this, the north of Africa does have higher life expectancies in countries such as Algeria.

Locational Knowledge 

As geographers, you will be expected to have basic locational knowledge of where places are - a minimum of continents and oceans. As shown in the example answer, you will need to refer to these so spend some time looking at a map of the world.

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